The worlds first Arduino compatible built-in breadboard with Arduino shields, LEGO® bricks and native USB support.
STEMTera Breadboard is an innovation in breadboard history. It is the first breadboard with an Arduino compatible built-in that works with thousands of shields. With ATmega16U2/32U2 exposed, native USB projects can be easily developed using the LUFA framework. The LEGO® compatible bottom cover empowers projects to be built beyond imagination.
STEMTera Breadboard can be programmed like a regular Arduino UNO using :
- Atmel® Studio
- Arduino IDE
- Codebender
- Scratch
- Or any other programming environment that the original Arduino UNO can be programmed from
General Specifications :
Model : Breadboard 328
Part Number : STM100001 to STM100007
Dimensions : 111.8 x 79.8 x 16.1 mm
Packaging Dimensions : 165 x 110 x 40 mm
Nett Weight : 132 grams
Gross Weight : 200 grams (with packaging)
Tie Point : 634 ( 2 power buses, 1 full Arduino Uno R3 compatible pinout, full ATmega16U2 pinout and 80 x 5 terminal strips)
Wire Gauge : 20 - 24 AWG (22 AWG solid wire is highly recommended for good connections)
Material : ABS
Indicator : 4 LEDs ( Power, TX, RX and L )
Hardware Specifications :
Arduino Compatible Section
Microcontroller : ATmega328P-AU
Operating Voltage : 5VDC
Input Voltage : 6 - 20VDC (recommended 7 - 12VDC)
Digital I/O : 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)
PWM : 6
Analog Input : 6
DC current per IO : 20mA
Flash Memory : 32KB
Clock Speed : 16 MHz
ATmega16U2 / 32U2 Section
Microcontroller : ATmega16U2 / 32U2
Operating Voltage : 5VDC
Input Voltage : 6 - 20VDC (recommended 7 - 12VDC)
Digital I/O : 21 (of which 3 provide PWM output)
PWM : 3
DC Current per I/O : 20mA
Flash Memory : 16KB / 32KB
SRAM : 512B / 10124B
EEPROM : 512B / 1024B
Clock Speed : 16Mhz
More informations at Kickstarter
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